How To Find and Use The Best Duck Hunting Spots In Your Area

July 16, 2020

Duck hunting season is just around the corner, so if you want to bag plenty of trophies on the hunt, the time to make all the necessary preparations is now. As any hunter with experience knows, finding the best spot to hunt is crucial for success in the field. Understanding where to look and how to stalk your prey means the difference between going home with a kill or going home empty-handed. In this article, we’ll explore how to locate and utilize the ideal hunting spot where you’ll be in the best position to make a shot and bag a bird.

How To Find and Use The Best Duck Hunting Spots In Your AreaHow To Find and Use The Best Duck Hunting Spots In Your Area

Look for Backwater Spots

Any amateur can look up the biggest, most well-known duck hunting attractions such as enormous lakes or popular locations for casual hunters. If you want to get serious, though, and maximize your effectiveness, look for out-of-the-way watering holes tucked inside forests. 

You don’t need a huge lake or other body of water to find ducks. Although the volume of available birds will decline once you move away from heavily populated areas, you will likely have the location all, or mostly, to yourself, increasing your odds of filling your quota.

Make sure you pack your waterfowl hunting backpack with essentials like water, first aid supplies, and hunting gear and tools for trips in the backwaters. You’ll want to keep these supplies safe and dry for when they’re needed.

Get Local Advice

Game wardens in parks, locals, and others who spend significant time in the areas where you’ll be hunting are potentially excellent resources for uncovering the hidden gems of the hunting world. Since they are frequently hunters themselves, game wardens have unique insight into prime duck hunting spots in their territory. Plus, on the regulation side of things, being friendly with game wardens is never a bad idea.

Utilize Advanced Mapping Tools

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) provides high-quality, free topographical maps of many parks and wilderness areas across the country. When you learn how to read and interpret their findings, you’ll be in a great position to locate undiscovered watering holes that could contain significant populations of precious ducks.

In addition, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) catalogs aerial photographs of rural areas, another ideal resource for locating ducks.


If all else fails, you can take your duck scouting into your own hands by conducting a flyover of the hunting grounds you are considering. From the air, you will have a better vantage point to search out overlooked hunting spots near small creeks and ponds.

As a duck hunter, you have a wealth of resources to assist you in your quest to bag as many ducks as you want. Learn how to utilize these resources to find the best spots in your area for successful duck hunting.

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