4 Simple DIY Projects To Keep The Holidays In Your Home

April 4, 2020

The holidays only come once a year, but you can keep the festivities alive with some fun DIY crafts. If you’re the type of person who waits until the spring birds start chirping to take down your Christmas tree, you’ll love these simple holiday DIY projects that can be done with a computer, printer, and basic supplies.

4 Simple DIY Projects To Keep The Holidays In Your Home4 Simple DIY Projects To Keep The Holidays In Your Home

Paper Snowflakes

The glimmering beauty of pure white snow is something many would like to capture for a lifetime. You can create one-of-a-kind snowflakes that are just as original as you with this simple project. String them up on your windowsill or above your bed with some twinkling fairy lights to create a magical winter effect all year long.

To do this project, you will need scotch tape, scissor, and white construction paper or printer paper.

Cut a sheet of paper in half, then cut it again to create two squares. Each square will make one paper snowflake. Fold the square diagonally to form a triangle, then fold it in half to make an even smaller triangle. It helps to imagine the triangle now in thirds, so you can cut along the edges of each to create a unique design.

Don’t worry if it doesn’t turn out right the first time! You can even use a single sheet of paper to practice until you get the hang of it.

Toilet Paper Roll Elves

Keep your desk cute and cozy by creating some jolly companions out of toilet paper rolls. Paint each roll the color of the elf’s skin, then use glue to apply a rectangle of felt as their clothes. A belt can be made from black felt and a gold square buckle. Get crafty and add on buttons, a cotton ball beard and paper cone hat!

If you’re making projects with children, an exra-silly touch can be using googly eyes instead of paint to make wacky faces.

Framed Christmas Art

Simple and endearing, this project makes a lovely gift or piece of home decor. Look online for some Christmas SVG or other holiday SVG files that you like. Then, arrange them on the center of a piece of paper using your favorite photo-editing program or even Microsoft Word. Cardstock printer paper is best for this project as it will give your final picture a stylish and high-quality finish.

Paper Trees

The best part about the evergreen tree is that in addition to being a symbol of Christmas and holiday cheer, it can easily be incorporated into everyday decor for a charming Scandinavian design. For this project, you might like to choose several different colors of cardstock paper that match your color scheme.

You can use an online template to create flat paper trees that you cut out and string together with twine or a gold string. Or, if you’re feeling extra crafty, you can follow this tutorial to fold a 3D paper tree.

These are just four ways you can foster the holiday spirit year-round. You can find craft ideas and tutorials for different holidays all year round. Celebrate your favorite holidays by keeping them in your home. Finding inspiration to bring your favorite holidays to life in any season is a heart-warming hobby that anyone can enjoy.

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