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4 Tips To Effective Blogging

September 18, 2015

Of the many ways to show your presence on the web, blogging is one key method. Ans as its importance over the web and in the eyes of the search engines like Google, it isn’t as easy as many consider it to be. Rather, blogging is more like a creative job.

As a creative job, a blog isn’t to attract the web crawlers. If a reader likes it, the web crawlers will also. So, here one key tip to effective blogging is – write for humans, not for the web crawlers.

In this post, I’m going to share 4 simple tips to effective blogging.


Writing and publishing is one way to tell the web crawlers about your presence. But to reach a much wider audience in comparatively less time, you need to share them to your social media accounts.

When you’ve your own blog, don’t forget to add the social media buttons. With the CMSs like WordPress, it’s really easy to add the social media buttons to your blog.

Once you have an established blog, you have a handful amount of blog posts in your hand, you need to share them on different social media accounts. Of the many, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn are the few very common and effective social media platforms.

Create a page on each of the above social media websites. Follow relevant groups, add people to your circles and poke them to increase the number of viewers on your pages. Once done, share your published blogs from time-to-time but following a schedule.

Other ways to share your posts includes:

  • Emailing
  • Commenting on other blogs, with a link to your blog
  • Guest blogging, and
  • Adding relevant tags to your blogs

This way you’ll be in a better way to share your posts. Once you have a well-established post, start compelling your audience to subscribe to your blogs, so that they receive your blogs on their registered email address.


IT Services Companies UK – you typed in the search engine and the results provide you with a list of IT companies in the UK. How does this happen? This is one of the techniques of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), In this technique, you being the blogger places relevant keywords in your blog and publish on the web. And when a user type in queries like IT Services companies Uk, your blog also gets in the search results. But it might not be on the very first page.

To make your website or blog search engine friendly, you need to follow this SEO technique. Earlier, bloggers were stuffing their content with keywords to help their website come on the first page of the search engine. But now it isn’t effective. You must place keywords but only where it sounds legit. You also have the power to bring variations to your keywords.

If you have a 500 words content to be published, you can place keywords in the following manner:

  • Title – 1 time
  • Body – 2 times. Use variations as well
  • Author Bio – 1 time
  • Keyword section – 1 time, variations as well
  • Category – post your blog in the relevant category

These are some of the SEO tips to help your blog search engine friendly. All you need to do is research for the keyphrases users are looking for and then use them smartly, without making your blog look dumb.

Visually Appealing

If it doesn’t look attractive, you’ll not be able to sustain a good number of traffic to your website or blog. And by visually appealing I don’t mean jut to add images or use colors. Use images where necessary and it’s better to use your own or at  least don’t use copyright images. You can also use infographics to make it more appealing and simpler to read.

It’s suggested to use short sentences, and the paragraphs should not go more than 3 lines (make an exception where necessary). Proofread before publishing to make it error-free. Keep the blog or website simple to navigate. Too much content will only confuse the readers and will make them leave you.


This is going to be a bonus tip – guest blogging. Invite other writers to write for you and also be a guest blogger yourself. This is another way to increase the number of your audience.

Start Blogging

Now that you’ve 4 tips to effective blogging, you must start working. If you still don’t want yourself to be doing all this, still you need to make ti certain that the web content writing services company is following these tips and others as well. Only when you have killer blog or website, you can reach a good number of users in less time. So don’t wait and start blogging!

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