What was the reason that the last time you saw a good advertisement, you were captivated by it? Maybe it was because of the innovative portrayal of the product being marketed. Or is it due to the fact that the story or the theme being shown is associated with you in some way or the other? If you are one of those who were attracted by the innovation showed through the theme, then the creativity of the advertisement is to be credited; in other words, advertisement in this context is an art. But if you are not interested in the product no matter how creative the advertisement is, then it is the fault of wrong targeting; which is where data (or science) is important.
Advertising is a great way to entice the customers to check-out a new product or to create brand value of an existing product. Advertising as defined by most pundits in that area is that ‘it is the communication relayed by companies or organisation to persuade an audience to perform some kind of an action’. The action can be anything that is related to the sales or increase in brand awareness; anything that helps a company or organisation to achieve better results in a particular field.
You might be surprised but advertising went as far back as 3000 B.C. Since the advent of commerce and trade found its place in history, advertising existed as a medium to reach out to potential customers. From papyrus to smartphones, advertising has come a long way but some of the core ideas remain the same. Advertising has always been an art; the ability to portray a product or service in a creative manner that will attract customers or users is the basis of all advertisement.
In the 19th century advertising was all through print media, as the printing press revolutionised the way communication to the masses can be done. Newspapers and flyers became a great platform for organisations and companies to make their products attractive. From the mid 20th century, the turning points of advertising were radio and television, which had greater effect and reach by the end of the century. Radio and television had a great way in making brands out of products. With repetitive broadcasting of a catchy slogan, advertises make it stick to one’s mind even long after the broadcast.
By the start of the 21st century, advertising has gone a tremendous change as internet has established itself a popular mode of communication. With the digital revolution, we have moved into the age of information. Nowadays there is so much information all around us that advertisers have to be careful not be too presumptive. Overdoing of advertising can lead to harmful effects on the brand name and negative feedback. Even though science was there for a long time in advertising, to measure the potential of advertising, it has become more prominent now to deliver the right information to the right audience. Otherwise it will be lost like a needle in the haystack of information.
From word-of-mouth to mass communication and back to word-of-mouth (albeit digitalised), advertising has come a full circle. So once again advertisement has become closely tied with marketing. The new-age consumers are aware of the products they use and want, and do not want to be interrupted by unwanted advertisements. Thus ethical marketing is of the utmost importance for business and only creativity will not do. As advertising has become more or less similar to marketing, it is more data-driven. To connect to the right customers, more knowledge about the customers are needed; what they want and expect from a product. The jobs in advertising field are also changing; companies not only need creative people but also professionals who know the market well enough to produce the right campaigns.
Without proper data of consumer behaviour, companies cannot appeal the right audience. It will be like aiming blindfolded; without any results. Thus, good advertising of today takes place at the convergence of science and art.
Author Bio
Hasib is a foodie and an avid reader with the same voracious appetite. He is interested in the changing trends of different industries, and time to time writes about employment and career related topics. Reach him @ twitter, Google+, LinkedIn
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