Categories: Health

Getting Ready For Summer

May 23, 2021

The long, cold spring is nearly at an end, Covid restrictions appear to be on course to lighten further, vaccines continue to roll out and in the UK, we can start planning for a hot, sunny summer not spent indoors!

Today we’re taking a look at how you can get ready for the incoming summer so you can enjoy it as much as possible.

Getting Ready For SummerGetting Ready For Summer

Staying Hydrated

We’ve had a run of July heat waves over the last few years, and unless you’re prepared the next one could be the ruination of your summer. They make it hard to sleep, hard to concentrate, and if you allow dehydration to take hold could have very serious health consequences.

Staying hydrated is just as important as staying cool – if not more so! – and simply drinking water might not be enough. If you’re very dehydrated, because you’re working out during a heatwave, ill or even hungover, then you’ve also lost electrolytes. These are the salts dissolved in your body’s fluid supplies that have lots of different important roles to play, from keeping your heartbeat regular to balancing the fluid levels in your cells.

Stock up now on a rehydration solution, whether that’s a case of isotonic sports drinks, ORS rehydration tablets or sachets from the chemist. This will ensure your summer isn’t blighted by heat stroke and exhaustion.

Book Early

With lockdown restrictions lifting and a nation keen to enjoy it’s first full summer since 2019, booking is essential. People are keen to travel, to eat, to see friends and to holiday – albeit only in the UK and a handful of other mutually agreed destinations. If you don’t start planning now, you might find you can’t take leave at work, all the hotels in your chosen destination are booked up and there’s no pub or restaurant left with a space to serve you dinner!

Start planning now – if you’re planning to take advantage of the relaxed regulations to have a holiday with friends, get them on the phone and make some decisions about dates and locations. If you don’t plan now and book soon, you might miss your chance!

Wear Sunscreen

It’s all too easy to forget this in the English summer, but it’s possible to get sunburned (and to raise your risk of skin cancer, dry your skin and damage your complexion) even on an overcast day.

Don’t lose summer days to burning, peeling skin. Wear at least factor 30 (if not factor 50) SPF sunscreen every day to avoid the risk, and maximise your enjoyment of summer!

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