Categories: Home Improvement

How To Protect Your Coastal Property from Water Damage

March 1, 2017

As any property owner with land close to the coastline knows, salt water can be a fatal foe to even the strongest of domiciles. Even the most fortuitous enclosure stands to fall victim to the charms of the sea, and frequent, effective upkeep must continually be implemented to preserve the integrity of the building’s foundation. To that end, businesses such as Abbotts Construction Services Inc. exist to repair and minimize damage inflicted upon property by the occasionally cruel seaside environment. Boat lifts, seawalls, and revetments are three of the main precautions that can be taken to minimize or prevent water damage, and are explained in-depth in the list below:


Shoreline erosion can be a thorn in the side of even the savviest coastal property owner. A receding shoreline can cause the otherwise-appealing tide to creep a little too close to living quarters for comfort, and the installation of an effective seawall can counter the seemingly-unstoppable inertia of the tide. Seawalls work by partially blocking the oncoming surf, reducing its reach over the shore. While not a complete fix for the erosion itself, property owners can at the very least protect their home and belongings from the detrimental results of water damage.

Boat Lifts

This next preventative measure applies only to those who have the exquisite pleasure of owning a boat. To successfully get a boat in and out of the water, a boat lift must sometimes be implemented to preserve the foundation of the vessel. Leaving a boat in the tide for extended periods of time can quickly cause corrosion and other such structural damage, making it essential to allow the craft to spend time out of the water. Installing a boat lift is the safest, most cost-effective way of keeping water damage out of any seafaring craft.


As the final, and possibly most vital item on the list, revetments might also be the most universal measure of water damage prevention. The science behind a revetment is simple: A collection of boulders and other such rocks disperse the kinetic energy from the wave sets. It is similar to a seawall but less intricate in execution. This ease of construction makes it one of the first solutions when it comes to keeping water damage from happening. Unfortunately, revetments require more frequent upkeep than seawalls due to their less-composed nature and lack of concrete hold. Constant vigilance and an eye for detail will ultimately prevail.

Maintaining a waterfront property can be a big undertaking for a lot of reasons, but if you handle it well, it’s worth it. Remember you aren’t alone and use the tools and services available to you.

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