Categories: Pets

How To Save The World One Pet At A Time

By Mary
May 9, 2016

Our lives are interlinked with those of our pets in many ways not to mention the usefulness of our animal companions making their suffering regrettable, unfortunate, and in need of urgent intervention. If you find yourself asking why you need to save pets, and what you can do to save pets, you have landed yourself at the right place.

Why Save Pets?

Each of us ought to contribute to the efforts towards saving pets because of various reasons that benefit both the animals and us. If you are a pet lover, you know first-hand how useful these animals are for companionship and friendship. You would then agree that they certainly deserve more than the harsh treatment and abandonment some pets receive.

Saving pets should also be everyone’s agenda because of the direct and indirect benefits they bring to society. Even for non-owners, the joy and satisfaction pets bring to a friend or family makes them useful to everybody else. In this case, the good moods your buddy is in and that radiant smile that is infectious to everybody may have come from his or her interaction with a pet.

Ultimately, having healthy pets that are well taken care of is good for individuals and the wider society, especially in the highly stressful environments we live in today. At the same time, what better way to demonstrate our humanity than save pets, considering that the true measure of a person lies in how he or she treats those not in a position to retaliate?

How Can You Contribute To Saving Pets?

How To Save The World One Pet At A TimeHow To Save The World One Pet At A Time

Everyone can be a save pets save world champion in one way or another. If you are a pet owner, you can simply start by improving how you treat your pets, ensuring they are fed appropriately, vaccinated, and taken for regular vet checkups. Rather than abandon pets or leave them with people you do not trust when away from home, you may consider taking them to a day or boarding pet care facility where they will receive excellent care. You can get more information on pet care in websites like

You can also consider providing a foster home or permanently adopting an abandoned pet that will otherwise be euthanized. This way, you can change the world for a pet facing a bleak future or living at a rescue shelter.

You should also consider neutering your pets to help curb the pet overpopulation that leads to their abandonment and suffering. Alternatives for free or low cost neutering by a professional are always readily available.

As a responsible citizen, you should report pet mistreatment to the authorities or animal rescue operators. Besides abandonment, malnutrition, and physical abuse, you can also report illegal practice such as dog fighting. 

You can also offer your services in pet adoption agencies and rescue shelters, where more efforts are welcome in helping rescue animals from suffering and mistreatment, as well as find loving homes for rescued animals.

Above all, you can help contribute by changing the perceptions and treatment of pets by your children, other family members, and friends.


Mandy Connor is a pet rescue volunteer and a pet care industry expert with Primp Play. He is now running a campaign called save pets save world. Visit this site  for more information on pet care.

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I am Mary Mathis, a knowledgeable and qualified blogger. I adore to write blog on many topics, like: Home Improvement, Automotive, Business, Pets, Health, Lifestyle etc.

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