Categories: Business & Finance

Meet the Knowledgeable Vice President of Dawood Engineering

December 3, 2015

Vince Paparella has been operating as the VP for Harrisburg, PA based leading engineering group Dawood Engineering, Inc. Being one of the nationally famed engineering enterprise Dawood is basically a professionally managed, multi-disciplinary, consultancy firm that offer expert services on wide range of engineering projects that include land measurement and development,  geotechnical engineering, environmental services, transportation and so on.

Vince is associated with this group since 1998 and has great popularity not only to all levels of his senior, equivalent and junior officials of Dawood, but to all its major clients and associates due to his in-depth knowledge and expertise. With his amazing leading power, he plans, guides and collaborate with his team to ensure success of every project that he takes care. Subsequent to completion of his Associate Degree from Hagerstown Junior college with specialization in engineering, he entered into his professional career life. He worked for Byers & Runyon Surveying as the Survey Technician since 1993 and for about 5 years. After leaving Byers, he joined in Dawood.


Dawood Engineering, Inc. is acknowledged as one of the fastest growing engineering consultancy houses in the US. The specialty of the group lays in its way of thinking, analysis and solutions for which, to public or private enterprises, the consultancy of Dawood experts is top preferred. With its headquarter in Pennsylvania, the corporate engineering enterprise offers services all over extensive areas including Virginia, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia,  Massachusetts, Sayre and other adjacent states, through its different offices.

As it comes to land development and highway related reconstruction projects, according to Vince Paparella that overseeing, coordinating and continuation evaluation of the jobs done are major concerns that makes sure the perfection of roadways. Since, in engineering projects any deviation with the specification can be detrimental; the senior level executives of Dawood remain responsible to make sure that things match with the client’s order. The specialization areas of Dawood are

  • Site Planning & Land Development
  • Transportation
  • Energy
  • Survey & Mapping
  • Traffic Analysis, Evaluation & Design
  • Geotechnical matters
  • Environmental concerning issues
  • Storm Water and Wastewater Management
  • Constructions
  • Consultancy services

Being a striving engineer Vince Paparella has knowledge and great proficiency in vast engineering activities related jobs. Some of them include topographical surveys, measures for erosion control, land development projects, storm-water and wastewater management, upgrading, all activities related to highway developments, site planning and ALTA surveys. He also has expertise in dealing with projects related to Drainage, Hydrology, Water resources and Geotechnical engineering. The major clientele of Dawood include a series of industries such as commercial, transportation, industrial, transportation, construction and oil & gas.

Since the consultancy enterprise operates in vast engineering projects including private and public types, the company also hires highly expert engineers backed by field experience. Vince also plays an important role to train and upgrade the knowledge base of field engineers working under him and also related to other departments. With over 18 years of services to Dawood Engineering Inc starting from 1998, Vince Paparella is fairly happy about being associated with a major Engineering consultancy firm that has great contribution to the nation’s development.

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