It may seem like there are no good jobs available for individuals who do not have a college degree, but this is not the case. Obtaining a college degree is a step that many people take, but it is not the ideal path for everyone. There are numerous lucrative positions that you can apply for that do not have a degree requirement. Because each position is more well-suited for different people based on their skills and interests, it makes sense to follow a few steps before you decide which career path to wholeheartedly pursue.
The first step that you should take is to identify the skills and traits that you possess that can be monetized in different ways. For example, if you are a skilled driver and enjoy spending time on the road, being a truck driver makes great sense. On the other hand, if you enjoy working with people and want to help others daily, finding a position in the medical field that only requires a certification rather than a degree is a good idea.
There are dozens of quality jobs that do not require a degree. Each has a different income level, growth opportunities, certification or licensing requirements and more. You can spend time searching online to explore some of the different possibilities available to you. As you compare the options, focus on income potential, what your daily work experience will be and how physically demanding the work will be. Some jobs may include manual labor. These may be acceptable when you are younger, but you may find that you can no longer physically work in the same field once you reach the middle of your life.
After you have found a great career path to pursue, your next step is to obtain a license or certification as needed. Some positions do not have these requirements, but many do. The good news is that some licenses and certifications may be obtained in a very short period of time and with minimum financial investment. You may even find an employer who is willing to pay for your license or certification expenses. Be sure to research your certification options as well. For example, if you’re looking to start driving trucks, learn terms and narrow your search to something like “auto heavy rigid vehicle training” so you can find the exact program you’re looking for.
Going to college and earning a degree is time-consuming, stressful and expensive. More than that, it no longer gives you a strong certainty of finding a well-paying job after graduation. If you have decided that college is not right for you, you can see that you can still enjoy a successful, lucrative career. Follow these steps so that you can thoroughly research the options available to you.
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