Categories: Autos

What to Do About Cosmetic Damage to Your Car Before You Resell It

August 3, 2021

When selling your car, you likely want to get as much out of it as possible. One way to do that is by making cosmetic repairs. The following are some suggestions on how to sell your car when it has cosmetic damage and what you can do to repair it beforehand. 

What to Do About Cosmetic Damage to Your Car Before You Resell ItWhat to Do About Cosmetic Damage to Your Car Before You Resell It

Fix It Yourself

If your car has minor cosmetic damage, you might be able to fix it yourself. If you have some experience in fixing cars, this can be completely doable. Look up some tutorials online to see if the necessary repairs are realistic for you to complete. If the cosmetic damage is beyond your ability to repair, it will be time to call in a professional. 

File an Auto Insurance Claim

Certain auto body repairs can be covered by insurance. If your car’s cosmetic damage was caused by a natural disaster or car accident, make sure you file a claim. You want to receive the compensation you deserve. Use that money to have your car repaired and in the best condition possible before selling it. You don’t want to let your insurance coverage go to waste, so find a claims adjustor to make an assessment before going forward with repairs. 

Find an Auto Body Repair Professional

After you have assessed the damage to your car and have filed a claim if necessary, you can start finding a professional auto body repair service to hire. Do plenty of research beforehand. Ask your friends or neighbors for recommendations as well. Getting a few quotes can help you choose the right shop as well. Make sure you give yourself plenty of time between getting your car repaired and when you plan to sell it. 

Sell Your Car as Is

If you don’t want to go through the trouble of trying to fix your car yourself or find an auto body repair professional, you can choose to sell your car as is. If you do this though, you won’t get as much out of it as you would otherwise. Take some time to decide if this option is truly right for you. 

Selling your car when it has some cosmetic damage can be a stressful experience. Take some time to decide if you want to make some repairs first. Choose one of the above suggestions before selling your car.

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